نوع المستند : مقالات بحثية
کلية الفنون الجميلة قسم العمارة جامعة حلوان
نقاط رئيسية
The Research Problems:
The problem is how to address the domain expertise assumed in the interpretation of the rules this can only be done manually today. Rule interpretation is a significant step in the process of rule checking. In CORENET, it took approximately 20 - 30% of the overall effort. This was not a small effort, but this process allowed a one-time investment for good rule checking that led to automation of the manual effort.
Complicated Permit approval system , absence of intergrated process between desgin and engineering .
Less advanced construction IT , absence of systematic code Verification system .
Research Question :
- What are the perceptions of the Egyptian AEC industry professionals for the benefits of BIM worldwide experiance ?
- What are the challenges facing the BIM users during implementation of BIM and, what are the challenges and obstacles hindering BIM non-users to adopt BIM in Egypt AEC industry?
- What are the external pressures and forces imposing the implementation of BIM in the Egypt AEC industry?
Aim Of Research:
To bridge the knowledge gap in sustainability inside the condtruction industry Egypt is aimed in this investigation and this is done via criteria of sustainable conservation in relation to the model cheaker . three main issues are focussed in this investigation:
Open BIM based quality verification system development
Open BIM based construction document optimization standard and applied technogy development
Development of integrated cooperation work system during public administrative process.
Research Methodology:
Firstly, Analytical study: a general background of BIM implementation and the current development of automatic code-checking systems are presented. A survey about the BIM implementation situation in Egypt has been referenced.
Second : Manual work is still necessary to match each issue with the host model, and then modify the model one by one.
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