نوع المستند : مقالات بحثية
الكلمات الرئيسية
الموضوعات الرئيسية
(أ) الکتب العربية:
(ب) الکتب الأجنبية
5. Richard H. Wilkinson, Kent R. Weeks, The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings, Oxford University Press,USA,2016.
6. Factum Foundation& Factum Arte, The Lucida 3D Scanner: A Manual
7. Adam Lowe, Founder, Factum arte: Scanning Seti: the Re-geneRation of a PhaRaonic tomb200 YeaRS in the Life of a tomb, No history.
8. Fausto Del Sette , Fabrizio Patané, Automated displacement measurements, Del Sette et al. Herit Sci ,2017.
9. Rasha M. Omran, Knife: Holders in Ancient Egyptian Tombs Religious ,Article 21, 16,2015,pp30-53 مجلة الاتحاد العام للآثاریین العربand Artstic Study,
مواقع الإنترنت
10. http://www.factumfoundation.org/pag/199/TECHNOLOGY
11. https://www.3dhubs.com/knowledge-base/3d-printing-stl-files-step-step-guide
12. https://3dprint.com/194242/3d-scanning-3d-printing-tomb
13. http://www.factumfoundation.org/pag/241/Recording-the-Tomb-of-Seti-I
14.https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=VgtBDgAAQBAJ&pg=PT163&dq=re++produce+tomb+seti+1, +Digital+Applications&hl=en&sa=X&ved=
15. http://www.factumfoundation.org/pag/208/Making-the-Facsimile